Sunday, 10 June 2018

Unique facts about "Python Language"

  • :: Hi guys, in this blog i am discussing some unique facts about Python language, hope this blog is also unique......
  • According to a report of April 2018 python is 5th most popular language in the world and 2nd most popular language on the GitHub.
  • Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of the codes.
  • It is very simple as compare to other existing  computer programming languages.
  • In this language we uses Indentation(white space) instead of the curly braces({,}).
  • Python keywords are very powerful, limited in the number and do what you expect to do.
  • Python is easy to set up on any type of the Operating System (os).
  • You can done/complete many projects/works with a limited knowledge of the language.
  • Python code uses simple English, so it is easy to understand.
  • Python notify you what the error is, after you run the source code, and helps you to find the problem.
  • Basically two types of the errors are occurred in the python, one is-"Syntax Errors" and another is-"Indentation Errors" .
  • And most useful thing about python is that it can be your first programming language.
  • In this we can use the variables without declaration.
  •  This language consists the "automatic memory management" techniques to manage the         memory.
  • Python library is very large that contains large numbers of the predefined functions and modules, so it is most popular.
  • It is the multi paradigm programming language, because it consists the paradigms of   a. Procedural Programming,  b. Structured Programming and  c. OOPs.  
  • It is a platform independent language.
  • Python was an open source project.
  • Exception Handling concept of the python language is adopted from the Modula programming language. 
  • ## Some popular apps developed in the Python language......
  1. Dropbox(it is file hosting service)
  2. Google Search (some portion)
  3. Youtube
  4. Instagram
  5. Quora app
  6. Mozilla firefox  etc.
  • ::: @¥